Dr. Atorod Azizinamini, PhD, P.E.
Director, ABC-UTC
Vasant H. Surti Professor of Civil Engineering
Director, Moss School of Construction, Infrastructure and Sustainability
Director, Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure (InteRaCt)
Education: PhD, University of South Carolina-Columbia, 1985
Specialty: Structural and Bridge Engineering
Office: EC 3677
Phone: (305) 348-3821
Email: aazizina@fiu.edu
Dr. Atorod Azizinamini, is the Vasant Surti Professor of Civil Engineering. He is also the Director of Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center ; Director of Moss School of Construction, Infrastructure, and Sustainability; and the Director of Preeminent Institute for Resilient and Sustainable Coastal Infrastructure at Florida International University. He has led several major multi-disciplinary bridge engineering-related initiatives. He is a founder of two major transportation field organizations: the National Bridge Research Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and the Center for Accelerated Bridge Construction at Florida International University.
He has developed several bridge engineering products and systems that are being used nationally and internationally. Among the bridge systems that he has developed are the folded plate steel bridge system, composite systems and simple for dead and continuous for live load system for steel bridges. Under the Second Highway Research Program (SHRP2) R19A, established by U.S. Congress, he led the development of the first and most comprehensive document and devoted to the service life design of concrete and steel bridges.
Dr. Azizinamini was a Distinguished College of Engineering Professor and Director of National Bridge Research Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, before joining FIU in January of 2011. He has published more than 200 technical publications related to structures and bridge engineering. Additionally, has produced more than 50 graduate students at the M.S. and Ph.D. levels. He has also taught more than 40 short courses on the design and construction of super- and sub-structures to practicing bridge professionals.
Dr. Azizinamini has provided significant service and contributions to the field of bridge engineering. As chairman of ASCE Bridge Technical Administrative Committee (Bridge TAC), he had the responsibility of overseeing eight ASCE bridge committees. He helped to organize and Co-Chaired the FHWA Bridge Engineering conferences in 2010 (Orlando, FL), 2008 (Baltimore, MD), 2005 (San Diego, CA), 2004 (San Antonio, TX), 2002, (Salt Lake City, UT) and 2000 (Baltimore, MD). He routinely gives keynote speeches at major national and international bridge engineering conferences. He has received a number of national awards. In October of 2015, he was awarded the 2015 White House Champion of Change: Transportation Innovator, in a ceremony held at White House. His awards include the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Special Achievement Award and several other bridge innovation awards. He has also served as a consultant on several major bridge engineering initiatives around the world, including the Service Life Design of Tappan Zee Bridge in New York and the design of unique and innovative bridges in several states. He is a registered professional engineer in Nebraska and Montana.