Dr. Saiid Saiidi, P.E.
Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
Director of Center for Advanced Technology in Bridges and Infrastructure
P: (775) 784-4839
U: http://wolfweb.unr.edu/homepage/saiidi/
E: saiidi@unr.edu
Dr. Saiidi is Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at University of Nevada-Reno (UNR) and also the Director of Center for Advanced Technology in Bridges and Infrastructure at UNR. He was the chairman of the CEE Department at UNR for eight years, when he helped build an internationally recognized program in bridge earthquake engineering. He also served as the Director of Undergraduate Research in the Office of Vice President for Research at UNR for six years. He is the founding member and former chair of ACI Committee 341, Earthquake-Resistant Concrete Bridges. He is a member of ACI318-D. He has received noteworthy, highly competitive grants, including a $2.4M NSF-NEES grants for research on innovative bridges, and was a Co-PI on an NSF-NEES $4M equipment grant. His research has also been funded by other NSF grants, FHWA, Caltrans, Nevada DOT, and State of Washington DOT, with many of the projects focused accelerated bridge construction, innovative materials, and retrofit and repair under seismic loading. Dr. Saiidi has published more than 440 journal, conference articles and reports. He has presented invited seminars about his research in 27 countries, many as a keynote speaker. Dr. Saiidi has served as the dissertation director/primary advisor for 25 Ph.D. students and as co-advisor for another five. He has also served as the thesis director/primary advisor for 45 MS students and co-advisor for another 10. He has received several awards including the UNR Outstanding Researcher Award, Regents Outstanding Researcher Award, Foundation Professorship, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Outstanding Alumni Award.