August 25, 2011 1:00 pm
by Benjamin Tang P.E., Bridge Preservation Manager, ODOT; and Toni Doolen Ph.D, P.I., Professor, OSU
Webinar Documents
- A Planning Phase Decision Tool for Accelerated Bridge Construction - pdf of presentation
- News - August 25, 2011 - pdf of presentation
Description: The technical presentation describes a new decision tool for use during the planning phase of a bridge project to determine whether ABC or conventional construction is the best choice. Why do you want to know about this tool? Use of decision-making tools in the early stages of planning is highly recommended for decision makers and staff to proactively implement effective solutions. In the early stages of a construction project, engineers need to assess whether elements of ABC are achievable and effective for that specific bridge. In the FHWA-sponsored pool funded study TPF 5(221), a decision-making tool based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was developed. AHP prioritizes multiple criteria, can integrate both quantitatively- and qualitatively-assessed criteria, and provides a summary ranking of alternatives based on the multiple criteria. The tool takes into account multiple criteria, complementary and conflicting as they may be, and computes the utility values for each of the criteria. Applications of the AHP tool have provided evidence that both the tool and process can provide significant value in helping decision-makers and their staff identify and communicate the rationale behind a construction method selection decision. The tool identifies issues and goals upfront and helps promote dialog among various disciplines and stakeholders regarding project criteria to ensure effective ABC solutions. The presentation provides an understanding of the tool and includes examples of the use of it on several bridge projects.