July 20, 2017 1:00 pm
Michael P. Culmo, P.E., Vice President of Transportation & Structures, CME Associates Inc.; and NCHRP 12-98 Principal Investigator
Webinar Documents:
NCHRP 12-98, Part 2: Dynamics of Bridge Systems - pdf of presentation
Video: SPMT Testing - Starting and Stopping - mp4
Video: SPMT Testing - Uneven Terrain - mp4
Video: SPMT Testing - Spinning - mp4
Q&A Session - pdf
News - July 20, 2017 - pdf of presentation
Description: Under the Transportation Research Board’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 12-98, two guidelines were developed. The first guideline on prefabricated bridge elements and systems (PBES) tolerances was featured in the previous monthly webinar. The second guideline covers dynamics for bridge system moves and is the focus of this presentation. Included will be the lateral and vertical dynamics that a bridge and falsework are exposed to during bridge system construction. Research that led to the development of the guideline and the resultant proposed specifications will also be presented. An example of bridge dynamics during a self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT) bridge move will be detailed.
Presentation Photos/Graphics:
1) SPMT dynamic testing
2) Typical SPMT test results
3) Response spectrum results
4) Testing for lateral slide dynamic friction