Link to Latest Report: Final Report
Link to: ABC-UTC Guide for Service Life Design of Longitudinal Deck Closure Joints
The nationwide application of ABC in bridge design and construction is at its early stages. Nevertheless, a few ABC projects are decades old, and the number of ABC projects is rapidly increasing. It is essential to observe the performance of ABC projects in service, at the national level, and develop a manual that assists designers and owners in best design, construction and maintenance practices that are capable of enhancing service life of ABC bridges.
The main objective of this project is to develop a manual devoted to service life performance of ABC projects.
The development of the document will consider the ABC projects nationwide. It will include case studies, examples, design, inspection and maintenance information. It will be flexible and accommodating to the addition of new information as it becomes available. Tools will be developed to assist the user to navigate through the information and make the document user friendly. The general framework for the document will be similar to that described in the Guide for Design of Bridges for Service Life.
Research Team
Principal Investigator: Atorod Azizinamini
Co-Principal Investigator: Jawad Gull
Research Assistants: Azadeh Jaberi
Previous Progress Reports: