Link to Latest Report: Final Report: International Database of ABC Research
In recent years there has been a significant push for more durable bridges that are less expensive and take less time to construct. These desires within the bridge community have led to numerous federal, state, and local agencies encouraging the use of accelerated bridge construction (ABC) practices. As with any new and emerging engineering topic, it is essential that measures be taken to prevent repetition of research and provide a source of information for various stakeholders.
Through the course of this project, a comprehensive database will be assembled that is both user friendly and easily navigable.
Through the course of this project, a comprehensive database will be assembled that is both user friendly and easily navigable. The database will incorporate published studies (gathered through a thorough review of available literature) and unpublished and ongoing studies (gathered through resources available through ABC-UTC and possibly a short survey of state departments of transportation).
Research Team:
Principal Investigator: David Garber
Research Assistant: Nazanin Rezaei