Investigation of Macro-Defect Free Concrete for ABC including Robotic Construction

Link to Latest Report:  Final Report 

Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) has grown by leaps and bounds over the past several years. An emerging material developed by a major construction equipment manufacturer offers the possibility to be the “next great thing” in bridge construction. However although some basic material tests have been performed there is a significant void in understanding what the material is capable of and what it isn’t capable of.

This project will be the first step in determining whether or not macro-defect concrete can be used in innovative ABC projects.

To accomplish this work a comprehensive set of material characterization tests will be performed. Once a full understanding of the material characteristics has been realized, the research team will develop conceptual ways in which the material could be used in an ABC environment.

The conduct of this synthesis will be conducted following the following general tasks:

  • Task 1 – Literature review including the discovery of material with characteristics similar to macro-defect free concrete
  • Task 2 – Material characterization including the conduct of compressive, tensile, permeability, durability, and other standard tests
  • Task 3 – Concept development including the development of means and methods of using macro defect free concrete in ABC projects
  • Task 4 – Reporting

Research Team:
Principal Investigators: Dr. Brent Phares

Previous Progress Reports: