- Session 1 Presentations: Big Picture for ABC
- Ben Beerman, FHWA — “ABC National Perspective”
- Mary Lou Ralls, Ralls Newman, LLC — “Resources Available through the ABC University Transportation”
- Chuck Prussack, Old Castle — “Overview of ABC Projects in the PNW”
- Bijan Khaleghi, WSDOT — “New Developments in Accelerated Bridge Design and Construction in Washington State”
- Session 2 Presentations: Research & Development
- John Stanton, University of Washington — “A Bridge Bent System Designed for Rapid Construction and Superior Seismic Performance”
- Atorod Azizinamini, Florida International University — “ABC-UTC Research Activities for Development of Steel Bridge Systems for Seismic Areas”
- Saiid Saiidi, University of Nevada at Reno — “Novel Materials and Concepts for ABC in Moderate and High Seismic Zones”
- George Ghusn, Structural Component Systems — “Rapid Column Systems Overview and Design Guide”
- Session 3 Presentations: Case Studies
- Bala Sivakumar, HNTB — “Using the SHRP2 ABC Toolkit”
- Dusan Radojevic, Buckland & Taylor — “Accelerated Deck Replacement for for the MacDonald Bridge”
- Kevin Dusenberry, Jacobs — “Lateral Slide of Historic Bridge in Washington State”
- Greg Banks, BergerABAM — “Washington Highways for LIFE project and Recent Applications”