The ABC-UTC has an Advisory Committee that provides recommendations on ABC-UTC operations. The ABC-UTC also has advisory boards that provide recommendations under each of its focus areas of Research, Workforce Development, and Technology Transfer. Additionally, advisory panels and committees make recommendations on specific projects or activities.
The following individuals serve on the Advisory Committee:
State Transportation Agencies
- Carmen Swanwick, AASHTO COBS Chair, Utah DOT
- Cheryl Hersh Simmons, AASHTO COBS T-4 Chair, Utah DOT
- Donn Digamon, Georgia DOT
- Shoukry Elnahal, formerly MassDOT, Delaware River and Bay Authority
- Matt Farrar, formerly Idaho DOT
- Richard Foley, Caltrans
- Bruce Johnson, formerly Oregon DOT
- Mal Kerley, formerly Virginia DOT
- Ted Kniazewycz, Tennessee DOT
- Paul Liles, formerly Georgia DOT
- Richard Liptak, Michigan DOT
- Elmer Marx, formerly Alaska DOT&PF
- Kevin Thompson, formerly Caltrans
- Rob Young, Vermont Agency of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
- Jamal Elkaissi, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Industry Partners
- Riad Asfahani, Tube-Tech, LLC
- Vin Bartucca, National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA)
- John Busel, American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA)
- Jeff Carlson, National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA)
- Reid Castrodale, Lightweight concrete rep.
- Mike Culmo, CHA Consulting, Inc.
- Jerry DiMaggio, Applied Research Associates, Inc.
- Carlos Duart, CDR Maguire
- Bill Duguay, Construction contractor rep.
- Tim Fields, HDR, Inc.
- Gregg Freeby, American Segmental Bridge Institute (ASBI)
- Richard Juliano, American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA)
- Jugesh Kapur, HNTB
- William Nickas, Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI)
- Eliza Partington, WGI
- Lou Ruzzi, WSP USA
- Giovanni Tambelini, Proceq USA, Inc.
- Tom Zink, Gannett Fleming, Inc.
International Members
- Taek-Ryong Seong, RIST – South Korea
- Chan-Hee Park, RIST – South Korea