Building upon the series of 35-minute featured presentations in the monthly webinars hosted by the ABC-UTC, a program of annual in-depth web training was initiated in 2014 to provide more detailed coverage of select projects and topics related to ABC. Each training is four hours in length and consists of six modules, each a 30-minute presentation by an expert in the focus area of the module followed by a 10-minute Q&A session. Below are the archives of the in-depth web training presented to date.
September 12, 2023
Precast Substructures
September 13, 2022
Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC)
September 7, 2021
Development and Implementation of the Connecticut DOT ABC Program
September 8, 2020
Design and Construction of Common ABC Technologies Using the 2018 AASHTO LRFD Guide Specifications for ABC
September 10, 2019
Latest Seismic ABC Applications
September 25, 2018
VTrans’ Programmatic Implementation of ABC
September 12, 2017
Utah DOT's Accelerated Bridge Program
October 4, 2016
Tennessee DOT’s “Fast Fix 8” Project in Downtown Nashville
November 10, 2015
Milton-Madison Bridge Replacement: the Mega-Lateral Slide
November 4, 2014
MassDOT's 93FAST14 Project