Q and A

Q: Who should attend the conference?
A: Bridge design engineers; consultants; fabricators; erectors; precasters; construction professionals; maintenance engineers; transportation officials; policy makers; marketing professionals; federal, state, and local agencies; city, county, and regional officials; industry suppliers; academicians; and bridge professionals with any aspect of bridge design, construction, or maintenance.

Q: Will this be a face-to-face conference?
A: Yes, this is a fully face-to-face conference.

Q: Who is co-sponsoring the conference?
A: FHWA, and 33 State Departments of Transportation will be co-sponsoring the 2024 World Bridge Engineering Conference.
Following is the current list of Conference Co-Sponsors:

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)Michigan Dept. of Transportation
Alabama Dept. of TransportationMinnesota Dept. of Transportation
Alaska DOT&PFMississippi Dept. of Transportation
Arizona Dept. of TransportationMissouri Dept. of Transportation
Arkansas Dept. of TransportationNebraska Dept. of Transportation
California Dept. of TransportationNevada Dept. of Transportation
Colorado Dept. of TransportationOklahoma Dept. of Transportation
Connecticut Dept. of TransportationOregon Dept. of Transportation
Delaware Dept. of TransportationPennsylvania Dept. of Transportation
Florida Dept. of TransportationSouth Carolina Dept. of Transportation
Georgia Dept. of TransportationTennessee Dept. of Transportation
Illinois Dept. of TransportationTexas Dept. of Transportation
Indiana Dept. of TransportationUtah Dept. of Transportation
Kansas Dept. of TransportationVermont Agency of Transportation
Louisiana Dept. of Transp. & Dev.Virginia Dept. of Transportation
Maine Dept. of TransportationWashington State DOT
Wyoming Dept. of TransportationWisconsin Dept. of Transportation

To become a co-sponsor, please contact Atorod Azizinamini (aazizina@fiu.edu).

Cancellation Policy

Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: No cancellation request will be honored after November 1st, 2024. All cancellations must be in writing and emailed to Ms. Saremi at msaremi@fiu.edu. If you do not cancel, and are not able to attend the conference, you will be responsible for your full registration fees.

All registration cancellations are subject to $100 administration processing fee.

All Exhibit cancellations are subject to $450 administration processing fee.

Location of the conference

Q: Where will the conference take place?
A: Hilton Miami Downtown

1601 Biscayne Blvd.

   Miami, FL 33132



Q: Is there a block of rooms?

A: Yes, Block of rooms at special conference rate can be reserved by visiting 

Conference rate- single/double – $229 + tax/night
Government rate- single/double – $215 + tax/night

Government rate housing is for U.S. government employees only. The registrant has to show a valid government ID by checking in. Please note rooms are limited and will be available on a first come, first served basis.


Q: How far is Miami airport from Hilton Miami Downtown?
A: It is about 8 miles, $23-$24 taxi or uber ride.

Q: Is there parking available at the Hilton Downtown Miami?
A: Self-parking is not available. The discounted rate for the day parking rate in valet is $35 per day, with in and out privileges.


Q: Is there going to be a reception?
A: Yes, on Wednesday Dec. 11, 2024, there will be a reception. 

Q: Do we have to register and pay for the reception.
A: No, reception is included in the registration fee.

Q: Will dinner be served at the reception?
A: Finger food will be served. 


Q: Will the conference contain parallel sessions?
A: Yes, there will be parallel sessions. 


Q: Will there be any workshops?
A: No


Q: Do we get continuing education hours for attending the conference? 
A: Yes, attendees will receive certificate of attendance for the duration of a participating session.  The conference organizer (Florida International University) is responsible only for issuing the certificates of attendance.

Q: Do the certificates automatically, count as PDHs?
A: No, it will be the attendee’s responsibility to present this certificate to his/her Board of Professional Engineers for use in fulfilling continuing education requirements. FIU is an official approved sponsor of continuing education for professional engineers in Florida and New York State.


Q: When do the exhibitors move in/out?
A: Move in: Tuesday, Dec. 10th, 2024, from Noon – 6:00 pm

Move out: Thursday, Dec. 12th, 2024, from 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Q: What are the exhibit hours?
A: The exhibit hall will be open: 

Wednesday Dec. 11th, 2024, from 7:00 am – 7:30 pm

Thursday Dec. 12th, 2024, from 7:00 am – 5:00 pm

It is up to the exhibitors when they would like to be present at their booths.

Q: What is the cost of an exhibit booth?

A: $2,800+tax for a 10×10 booth. Please see the website or contact Mrs. Mina Saremi msaremi@fiu.edu

Q: What does come with a booth reservation?

A: The 10 x 10 booths come with:
8′ High Back Drape, 3′ High Side Drapes, ID Sign, and 2 participation IDs

Q: Can an exhibitor become a sponsor?

A: Yes, there are several different sponsorship opportunities such as:

Co-Sponsor Conference Reception 

ONLY 1 Sponsor
$5,000To be held on Wednesday evening in the exhibit hall.
ONLY 1 Breakfast Sponsor on Wednesday 12/11/2024

ONLY 1 Breakfast Sponsor on Thursday 12/12/2024

Breakfast buffet will be served on Dec. 11th and 12th from 7:00am – 8:00am in the exhibit hall
ONLY 1 Coffee Sponsor on Wednesday 12/11/2024

ONLY 1 Coffee Sponsor on Thursday 12/12/2024

We will offer coffee during the morning and afternoon coffee breaks in the exhibit hall. 
Lanyards for Name Badges

ONLY 1 Sponsor
$3,500Name and company logo will be placed on the Lanyards. ⃰
Conference Bag 

ONLY 1 Sponsor
$5,000 Company name and logo will be placed on bag, as well as placing any advertisement materials inside the bag. ⃰ ⃰
Session sponsorship$1,5005 minutes presentation of your company at beginning of the session of your choice.⃰ ⃰ ⃰
The exhibitor has to provide the labeled lanyards.
⃰ ⃰The exhibitor has to provide the labeled bags. FIU and IBT/ABC-UTC logos will also be placed on the bags.
⃰ ⃰ ⃰Session choice will be based on first come first serve. 
For more detailed information please contact Mrs. Mina Saremi msaremi@fiu.edu or 954-895-7728 

Cancellation Policy

Q: What is the cancellation policy?
A: No cancellation request will be honored after November 1st, 2024. All cancellations must be in writing and emailed to Ms. Saremi at msaremi@fiu.edu. If you do not cancel, and are not able to attend the conference, you will be responsible for your full registration fees.

All registration cancellations are subject to $100 administration processing fee.

All Exhibit cancellations are subject to $450 administration processing fee.

Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Q: Can companies sponsor the conference?

A: Yes, please see the table below:

LevelAmountCourtesy EntrancePoster Ad Display at ConferenceSpecial Benefits and Recognition at ConferenceRecognition conference web site
Double Diamond$8,5003Full poster ad5 minutes presentation of your company in the General Session (limit 3 companies)Complimentary 10 x 10 booth (best location available).

Special recognition and Plaque at General session.

Full page ad, Name and logo in conference program and proceedings. 
Name and Logo
Diamond$5,5002Half poster ad5 minutes presentation of your company in the beginning of one of the parallel technical sessions of your choice (limit 3 companies)

Special recognition and Plaque at General session.

 Half page ad, name and logo in conference program and proceedings.
Name and Logo
Platinum$3,5001Name w/ Company LogoSpecial recognition at the General session. Name and logo in conference program and proceedings.Name and Logo
Gold$2,500Name w/ Company LogoRecognition at General session.Name and logo in conference program and proceedings.Name and Logo
Silver$1,000Name DisplayedRecognition at General session.Name displayed in conference program and proceedings.Name Displayed

For more detailed information please contact Mrs. Saremi msaremi@fiu.edu 954-895-7728


Q: What is the registration fee?

A: Please see below:

prior to 8/238/24 – 11/1711/18 – Onsite
General Registration 675*875*1075*
State DOT, Local and Federal Agencies (U.S. only)495*575*675*
Speaker (presenting author)**495*675*875*
*Plus Tax
 **Only for presenting author
***A valid full-time student ID has to be emailed to msaremi@fiu.edu

Q: Do the speakers have to register? 

A: Yes, all the speakers have to register. The presenting authors will register at a special rate. 

Q: Are government employees exempt from tax for registering? 

Government employees using a government credit card and providing a tax exemption certificate are exempt from paying tax. To register for this exemption, please click here.

For more details, you can reach out to Mina Saremi at msaremi@fiu.edu or +1 (954) 895-7728.

Nearby Attractions

Q: What are the nearby districts of interests?

  • South Beach/Lincoln Rd
    3 miles over the Venetian Causeway, 7 minutes drive ($12 taxi)
  • Design District
    2 mile ($8 taxi)
  • Midtown and Wynwood Art District
    The SOHO district of Miami, 2 miles ($6 taxi)

Q: Which are the restaurants within the walking distance of the hotel

Q: What are the nearby Centers/Marketplaces?