ISU Research Projects

On-Going Projects

4th-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

2nd-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

  • Performance of Existing ABC Projects – Inspection Case Studies [ABC-UTC-2016-C2-ISU02]: As the initial deployments of ABC methods age, it becomes necessary to inspect the structures for both maintenance decision making and for assurance of adequate service life performance. Current inspection methods used for traditional bridge structures can be modified to establish inspection protocols for ABC projects. Once inspection protocols have been developed, existing ABC projects can be inspected. After which, any apparent performance trends can be documented and best practices identified.

Completed Projects

5th-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

  • Accelerated Construction of Pile Foundations by Means of Elimination[ABC-UTC-2016-C5-ISU01]: The objective of this project is to identify the maximum unbraced height of fully-encased piles and to further develop the capacity calculation tool to include monolithic encasement options. Though this information is largely based on the deep foundation design practices in the State of Iowa, the deliverables are applicable to other state practices.

3rd-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

  • Investigation of The Efficacy Of Helical Pile Foundation Implementation In Accelerated Bridge Construction Projects – Phase I [ABC-UTC-2016-C3-ISU01]: The primary objective of this project is to investigate the use of helical piles to accelerate the construction of bridge structure foundations. Helical pile installers tout the simplicity and speed of installation along with the ability to work within areas of limited size with smaller, more maneuverable equipment.
  • Multi-Span Lateral Slide Laboratory Investigation: Phase I [ABC-UTC-2016-C3-ISU02]: This project will initiate laboratory testing efforts for multi span lateral slides for ABC projects. The addition of more spans creates a more complex system that will require connections (and other details) that were previously not needed for a single span slide.  Further, the fact that the multi-span bridge will need to slide on abutments plus piers (as opposed to just abutments in a single span case) creates possible uplift and overturning scenarios.

2nd-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

  • Synthesis of Available Contracting Methods [ABC-UTC-2016-C2-ISU03]: Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is the solution of choice to upgrade substandard bridges, while maintaining traffic flow and optimizing safety through work zones. However, the perception of higher construction costs for ABC versus conventional construction continues in spite of numerous ABC projects having lower construction costs relative to conventional construction. This inaccurate perception and the fear of cost overruns are causing some bridge owners to be hesitant about using ABC technologies, especially those technologies related to bridge system moves which can provide the greatest benefit for safety and traffic flow impacts.  While the traditional contracting method for state DOTs is primarily unit price contracting, there are alternatives, including cost plus, lump sum, lump sum with guaranteed maximum price, and progressive lump sum with a guaranteed maximum price.  To date there has been little investigation into the use of these alternatives on ABC projects, this project will explore the use of these options to understand the state of practice and provide insights and lessons learned for DOTs.
  • Non-Proprietary Ultra-High Performance Concrete Mix Design For ABC Applications Development of Non-Proprietary UHPC Mix [ABC-UTC-2016-C2-ISU01]: This project develops and characterizes economic, non-proprietary UHPC mixes made with materials locally available. This will be achieved through a holistic set of laboratory experiments that will be primarily focused on the choice of fibers, which are known as the costliest ingredient of UHPC mixes.
  • Design of Link Slabs: A Short Course Module [ABC-UTC-2016-C2-ISU04]: This project builds on the findings from a former ABC UTC-sponsored research project on link slabs and develops a short course module to provide the design guidelines and practical recommendations necessary to properly implement a link slab in jointless bridges.

1st-Cycle Projects (2016-grant)

3rd-Cycle Projects (2013-grant)

  • Development of Guidelines to Establish Effective and Efficient Timelines and Incentives for ABC [ABC-UTC-2013-C3-ISU01]: The main objective of the proposed project is two folds: 1) Provide guidelines to evaluate the direct and indirect costs (traffic delays and opportunity losses) under following conditions: conventional construction, only ABC techniques, only incentivizing strategies, and combination of ABC and incentivizing strategies; and 2) Develop a decision-making framework to compare the total costs and durations of each of the candidate techniques to optimize for the lowest cost and construction duration techniques accordingly.
  • Integral Abutment Details for ABC Projects, Phase II [ABC-UTC-2013-C3-ISU02]: The proposed research aims to develop ABC compatible integral abutment connections to marry the two technologies together and continue to advance the quality, performance, economics and constructability of bridges to meet the demands of today’s growing infrastructure.
  • Inspection and QA/QC for ABC Projects [ABC-UTC-2013-C3-ISU03]: The objective of this research is to explore available nondestructive testing technology to determine applicability for the inspection and quality control of accelerated bridge construction components.

2nd-Cycle Projects (2013-grant)

1st-Cycle Projects (2013-grant)