Dr. Terry J. Wipf, P.E.
Pitt-Des Moines Professor in Civil Engineering
Department Chair: Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
390 Town Engr
Ames, IA 50011-3232
P: (515) 294-6979
E: tjwipf@iastate.edu
Professor in the Civil Engineering Department at ISU, Dr. Wipf has made significant contributions to bridge engineering over the past 25 years. He has made major contributions in the development and refinement of AASHTO specifications for the treatment of dynamic loads on highway bridges. Dr. Wipf is an internationally known expert in the area of bridge maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation.
Wipf served as the Director of the Bridge Engineering Center at Iowa State University from 1995 to 2011 and focused on research, education and technical transfer. His work has been featured in several NCHRP publications. He has more than 200 technical journal and conference papers related to bridge engineering. Wipf taught more than 25 short courses and workshop topics related to bridge engineering to the practicing bridge engineering community. Dr. Wipf has maintained a significant graduate research program for more than 30 years that focuses on bridge engineering, including multiple NCHRP funded bridge projects. He has graduated approximately 100 MS and PhD students, supervised multiple postdoctoral candidates, and collaborated with visiting professors.