Full Paper, Extended Abstract, and PowerPoint Presentation Submission details:
After reading the instructions, please submit your documents using the forms listed below.
A) Instructions for preparation and Submission of Full Paper
Please see the attached file titled “2022ABC_Paper_template.docx” for instructions on how to prepare and submit your full paper. Full papers must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Friday, November 4, 2022. It is very important to be noticed that every author should comply with paper instructions (paper style, margins, fonts, font sizes, etc) as papers will be included in conference proceeding without edits and as received.
B) Instructions for preparation and Submission of Extended Abstract
Please see the attached file titled “2022ABC_Extended_Abstract_templat.docx” for instruction on how to prepare and submit your extended abstract. Full papers must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, Friday, November 4, 2022. It is very important to be noticed that every author should comply with extended abstract instructions (paper style, margins, fonts, font sizes, etc) as papers will be included in conference proceeding without edits and as received.
C) Instructions for preparation and Submission of Your PowerPoint Presentation
1). The total time allocated to your presentation is 30 minutes. We suggest that you plan on giving a 25-minute presentation, leaving 5 minutes for any questions and answers, and switching the speakers. Because of the time limitations, the introduction of the speakers will be limited. However, we will publish the bios of the speakers and authors and make them available to the attendees at the conference.
2). There is no set template for your presentation. We recommend you use a minimum font size of 24-point on your slides to ensure everyone in the session breakout rooms can see your text. Please note the PowerPoint projector we will be using will be a widescreen with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
3). Please submit a biography for speakers only (WORD LIMIT 100). This is the bio the moderators will use to introduce each speaker. Speaker bios can only be input for three presenters. Please email Rachel Jenkins (rajenkin@fiu.edu) with any additional questions.
4). Please note that there is a 15MB file size limit on the submission form. If your PowerPoint file is larger than 15MB, please compress the file or use a web file transfer service to send the file to Arvan Ankitha (aarvan@fiu.edu).
The deadline to receive a copy of your PowerPoint presentation is Friday, November 4, 2022, at 11:59 PM. Again, please note that we have 80 technical presentations in the conference and an overrun, even in one presentation, will result in delaying other presentations. For additional questions regarding the submission of the forms, please contact Rachel Jenkins by email at rajenkin@fiu.edu.