Category: Research Day 2023 ABC-UTC Research Day 1

May 12, 2023 10:00 am

Twice a year, ABC-UTC Research Day is held, during which the Principal Investigators present the background, objectives, and progress of their active research projects. Through Research Day seminars, ABC-UTC disseminates the information on its research activities with the aim of soliciting input from other researchers and stakeholders, and to invite collaborations. The first ABC-UTC Research Day of 2023 will present all projects from cycle 5 of our 2016 grant.

The information and concepts presented in our seminars are the product of work by the investigators and their research team under the Accelerated Bridge Construction University Transportation Center. We request that if this work is used in any way, directly, by altering, transforming or building upon, the original author(s) and the ABC-UTC are credited properly.


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