December 19, 2013 1:00 pm
by Jerry A. DiMaggio P.E., D.GE., SHRP2 Implementation Coordinator, Transportation Research Board ; Bala Sivakumar P.E., Vice President, Director-Special Bridge Projects, HNTB Corporation.
Webinar Documents
- New York State’s I-84/Dingle Ridge Road Lateral Bridge Slide - pdf of Presentation
- SHRP2 I-84 Lateral Slide Field Demonstration Project Report - pdf
- News, December 19, 2013 - pdf of presentation
This webinar presented the planning and results of the subject ABC bridge slide project in New York State. In 2011, as part of an ongoing Strategic Highway Research Program, SHRP2 R04 project, the Transportation Research Board and FHWA’s Highways for LIFE program identified the I-84 Eastbound and Westbound Bridges over Dingle Ridge Road, owned by New York State Department of Transportation Region 8, as a viable candidate to demonstrate accelerated bridge construction methods for replacing an existing structure via the lateral slide method while making use of a concrete superstructure. This project was completed over two weekend periods (20 hours closure each) in September and October of this year. The presentation focused on the technical details of the project.