Category: Professors Workshop Session #1-2: Connections and Connection Materials

August 13, 2021 1:00 pm

David Garber, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, Florida International University; and moderator Royce Floyd, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma

Description:  Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) often utilizes prefabricated elements to reduce on-site construction times. Prefabricated elements are typically constructed in controlled environments using high-quality materials, so the elements themselves are higher quality and more durable than similar constructed-in-place elements. Because of this, the connections between prefabricated elements will often end up controlling the long-term performance of these bridges. There are many different types of connections that can be used between prefabricated superstructure, substructure, and foundation elements. This session of the workshop gave attendees presentations on connections, materials used in connections (including ultra-high performance concrete), and surface finishes used for connection interfaces.

Presentation #1 pdf:  Connections - Presentation
Presentation #2 pdf:  Materials for Connections - Presentation
Presentation #3 pdf:  Surface Finishes for Connections - Presentation



Royce Floyd, Ph.D., P.E., S.E.
Associate Professor
The University of Oklahoma
Office: 405-325-1010


Royce has led several research projects sponsored by the ABC-UTC and the Oklahoma DOT centered on ultra-high performance concrete and application of other innovative concrete materials to bridge construction and rehabilitation. He works to provide hands-on experiences for the students in his courses and has contributed to several American Concrete Institute efforts to provide resources to university faculty teaching reinforced and prestressed concrete design.


David Garber, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Florida International University
Office: 305-348-4879


David is the Director of Workforce Development for the ABC-UTC. He has led several ABC-related research projects, developed ABC activities for students and teachers, and has been working to integrate ABC concepts into his classroom since 2014. David also led the development of the updated ABC-UTC website in 2016 and some of the resources on the website (e.g., ABC Project and Research Databases).