Link to Latest Report: ABC Solutions Final Report
Link to: ABC Project Database – User Guide
Link to: May 2015
Development of accelerated bridge systems has been occurring across the country, many times in isolation. Although FHWA and others have worked to facilitate communication between these efforts, there as of yet does not exist a comprehensive resource to aid designers in selecting an appropriate system for a particular project.
The objective of the project is to compile information on existing accelerated bridge technologies and present the information in a manner useful to designers.
The compilation will include all bridge types constructed of any material, using accelerated bridge construction. The ABC-UTC steering committee has recommended that proprietary systems, composites and ultra-high performance concrete be avoided when possible. This advisement will be considered during the development of any rankings or recommendations that may occur. However, such systems will not necessarily be omitted due to the presence of these features. Rather, an attempt will be made to present all of the alternatives and provide objective information so the end user can make an informed decision regarding the suitability of any particular system.
Following flow chart shows the procedure developed to enter a new project to the database.
Research Team:
Principal Investigator: David Garber
Co-Principal Investigator: Atorod Azizinamini
Research Assistant: Mohammadreza Sheifiefar